Application of natural pigments

- Sep 01, 2017-

In the development and application of natural pigments, Japan occupies the forefront of the world, as early as 1975, the use of natural pigments has exceeded the synthetic pigment. Japan's natural pigment market has exceeded the size of 200 million yen, while synthetic pigments account for only one-tenth of the market, or about 2 billion yen. By May 1995, the Japanese approved the use of natural pigment has reached 97 species. Japanese market demand in the last year over 200 tons of caramel pigment, rouge tree orange, red koji pigment, gardenia yellow pigment, chili red pigments and ginger pigment, such as 6 kinds of natural pigment products, which the largest demand for caramel pigments, consumption of 2000 tons per year, accounting for about 40% of the total consumption of natural pigments.

The production of secondary caramel pigment in natural edible pigment products is the largest in China, which accounts for about 86% of the natural edible pigment, and is mainly used in domestic brewing industry and beverage industry. followed by Red Monascus, sorghum, gardenia yellow, radish red, chlorophyll copper sodium salt, carotene, cocoa shell color, turmeric, etc., mainly used in the preparation of wine, candy, cooked meat, jelly, ice cream, artificial crab meat and other foods. Because the price of natural edible pigments is still higher and the standard of living is limited, its application in domestic food manufacturing industry is still less. With the further improvement of the living standard of our people, the return to nature, edible natural raw materials will become the mainstream of food consumption in the future, the domestic food manufacturing industry to the demand for natural food pigments will continue to grow, at the same time will open up natural pigments in medicine, day and other areas of wider application.

Application of natural pigments in textile industry

In addition to the wide use of natural pigments in the food industry, in the textile, clothing, home textile industry is also widely used as natural dyes, but not all pigments can be as dyes. Textiles need washing, in rubbing fastness, soaping fastness, the sun fastness to more requirements. However, extracting pigments from natural plants as dyes is the trend of the times. Be widely concerned and used.