The efficacy and effect of red pomegranate powder

- Mar 30, 2018-

Timely and appropriate amount of pomegranate powder brewed into tea, the efficacy and effect of red pomegranate powder can promote gastrointestinal absorption, increase appetite, the efficacy and role of red pomegranate powder helps digestion and excited nerves, the efficacy and role of red pomegranate powder promotes the body's Metabolism, the efficacy and function of red pomegranate powder can maintain the body's normal tissue and prevent various diseases caused by vitamin deficiency.

Large pomegranate, thin skin, juicy, rich in nutrients, is a tribute to the royal family, God fruit, its fruit sugar content of 14%, 0.7-1 percent of acid, vitamin C11%, and contains vitamin A, calcium, phosphorus , iron, inulin, pectin, resin, seed oil, punicic acid, estrone, estradiol, B-gluten, mannitol, tannins, etc., in which the content of vitamins is twice that of apples, and pomegranates also have The considerable medicinal health care value has the effects of heat-clearing, detoxifying, and stomach-enhancing lungs. It has therapeutic effects on loss of appetite and indigestion, and has the effect of astringency and fluid growth.